Essential Oil Practitioner Diploma
(distance learning only)
Ever felt frustrated that you could not do an aromatherapy course without studying the massage element? Well now you can! This certificated course allows you to study exactly the same aromatherapy theory as is in the diploma without having to do massage. It means that you cannot call yourself an Aromatherapist once qualified but you can call yourself an Essential Oil Practitioner and create blends for clients. This has to be done with a face to face consultation so you will be taught how to do that. You will also learn about the legislation surrounding the sale of products and therefore how to stay within the law.
After you have studied and gained your level 3 diploma, you will be able to obtain insurance to practice through our discounted scheme. You will also be welcome to come to any of our CPD activities that include updated information on essential oils and blending master classes.
There are 3 anatomy, physiology and pathology modules, plus three essential oil modules to complete. For course content of each module, please click here.
When you enrol, you will be sent a login to our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), where you will find the module and all supporting study materials, which come in various formats (documents, videos, links etc.). You will also be assigned your Personal Tutor who will look after you whilst you study.
There is an option to pay an extra fee and join the aromatherapy students on their Kew Gardens visit, which takes place annually. This is open to anyone interested and is a guided tour of the aromatic flowering plants.
Order of study:
No A&P qualification Already holds an A&P qualification
1. Anatomy Module 1 1. Essential Oil Theory 1
2. Essential Oil Theory 1 2. Essential Oil Theory 2
3. Anatomy Module 2 3. Essential Oil Theory 3
4. Essential Oil Theory 2
5. Anatomy Module 3
6. Essential Oil Theory 3
Price per module is £100, which you pay as you go. There are additional exam fees: £50 for A&P, which you will have to attend and £50 for essential oil theory, which can be taken at home as it is around case studies.
This course is run by one of our directors through her school Natural Therapeutics. Please click on the link to take you through to her website to enrol.